Decisions to simply my life

I’m not planning on living with 100 things :-), but the reality is – I’m tired of spending my life on sorting laundry and maintaining so many things. Every time I clean my children’s room nobody seems to notice the toys I put away.

We definitely C-A-N live with less and we S-H-O-U-L-D. 

I don’t miss anything of the half of my winter wardrobe I got rid of a couple of weeks ago. I’m actually really enjoying having less.

So I made a few decisions to simplify my life and enjoy the things that really matter:
  1. To decongest my life of things. To give away. To have less things to maintain.
  2. To say YES more often then NO – to things like a cup of coffee or table tennis with my dad, a chat with a friend, pretend play with my children, a fun outing with my husband. I too often tend to turn down invitations when there is so much to be done. But work will always be there while opportunities for quality time with dearest people in my life can be ruined.
  3. To put children in bed before 8:00 pm AND sleep before 10:00 pm. 
  4. To plan meals ahead. 
  5. To make memories. This often means to stop from what I’m doing and have fun with my children. The most wonderful moments happen spontaneously. The last family movie night happened like that and we loved it. It could also be a dancing party or a bike ride in the summer.
An article about how important is to spend quality time with children and more:

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