This is a great place to visit with your kids. I read a lot of reviews before we decided to go and we had so much fun! The pictures will talk for themselves. There must be a reason why Prague Zoo was named #4 BEST ZOO in the world…
The zoo is huge but it’s fun and easy to navigate. If you go there make sure to get a map where you buy the tickets. The chair lift was free and it takes you to the elephant valley, giraffes, hippos, reindeer, polar bear and more. We were allowed to each hold a child on our lap while also having a folded stroller in the other hand and the chair lift moving at the same time. It was a little crazy but fun. The chair lift worked only until 7 pm so we had walk all the way down.
If you are in the area, Prague Zoo is definitely a must for your kids.

The last picture is beyond cute!!
🙂 thanks Nico!