“Mama, your tummy is soft like pizza dough!” I can’t believe that my daughter actually said this. I didn’t think 120 lb is alarming for 65 inches tall but I took it very seriously! And I’m glad I did!
I am finally exercising. The best part is not having to go to a gym and it only takes 20 to 30 minutes every day. Secondly, it’s very simple and I don’t get exhausted. I’m following Steven Cabral’s lose5in7 system.
So far this is my favorite exercise program and it consists of:
- 3 Warm-up exercises (3 min) – https://youtu.be/eOGOuUKOmkk
- 3 Workout exercises repeated twice (6 min)
- Run 1 min/ Rest 1 min (at least 3x) (6 min)
- Stretches (5 min) – https://wellness.ucr.edu/Stretches%20for%20Lower%20and%20Upper%20Body.pdf
This program covers the main elements that a complete workout training must include. I printed the exercises to have them in front of me during workout.
4 Minute Miracle Workout
World’s Fastest Weight Loss Interval! Just 4 Minutes! “Tabata Intervals” is the most powerful way to burn body fat quickly. Read more about it here. I’ve tried it. It’s really good!!!
Check this out as well! – https://brightside.me/article/this-fantastic-four-minute-workout-is-worth-an-hour-at-the-gym-41055/
Express workout
A blow to problem zones: https://www.facebook.com/brightside/videos/1369898176365388/. I included some of these exercises in my workout routine. Very efficient! I am thankful to my friend who recommended this to me.
Express workout: a blow to problem zones.💪👍goo.gl/5RB5VF
Posted by Bright Side on Sunday, December 25, 2016